Project Update – January 2025
In January 2025, we reached out to Ulverston Victoria High School for an update on their project.  Here’s what project lead, Thomas Reader, had to say …

“The project was a real success, with our students getting a lot out of the residential trip. The students impressed the university staff with their enthusiasm and high quality answers. We hope to plan similar experiences in the future.”

What is the project?

Thomas Reader, Expanding Horizons Leader at Ulverston Victoria High School in Westmorland and Furness, applied for funding to take a target group of learners on a two night residential course at Aberystwyth University to carry out a local fieldwork project.  The course will link to the GCSE Geography course these learners are studying.

How will learners benefit?

As well as providing the opportunity to improve geography knowledge and skills, the residential opportunity at a university will give learners a taste of undergraduate life.  Those attending will benefit from workshop participation, building their team work skills and confidence, as well as help to improve their outcomes at GCSE.

Why was it funded?

Trustees appreciated the targeted nature of this bid, in terms of learners and a specific subject area contributing towards a pilot that would then allow the school to decide whether to fund further opportunities (in other subject areas for example) in future.  The trustees were impressed by the short, medium and long term impact measures outlined in the bid.