Registered Charity: 1204018

About the Foundation.

Our Mission.

To empower disadvantaged young people across the UK by providing targeted educational grants; allowing schools to foster equitable opportunities and promote positive social change.

We are committed to reducing educational inequalities and enhancing the future prospects of vulnerable young people.

The Beginning.

The Achieve Equity Foundation is a grant-making charity set up in 2023 by Louise, Simon and Trevor who are the three directors of Challenging Education.

The AEF welcomes applications from schools for small grants to support disadvantaged learners of school age.

“We are delighted to have set up the AEF to give a little back to the schools that we have been fortunate enough to work with since starting our business in 2016. The three of us have a shared commitment to a ‘not for profit’ approach and when our business grew through sales of our online resources we started looking for ways to channel any surplus back into schools. Now we can hand over the surplus to our trustees and offer the opportunity to schools to bid for grants to help those who need it most.”

Louise, Simon and Trevor.