Siobhan Haddleton, Assistant Headteacher and SENCO at Chaselea Alternative Provision Academy, Cannock, recognises the importance of proper dining opportunities for learners at the Academy. With this in mind, she submitted a bid to the AEF for providing facilities for learners to sit and eat together during the school day. This is part of a wider project to secure better catering facilities and improve the food offered to learners at the school.
At the moment, learners have to use their classrooms to eat lunch or take it outside. It is not possible for learners and adults to sit together and eat, which means missed learning opportunities. With improved lunch facilities available to learners, it is hoped that staff and learners will enjoy a more positive and social lunchtime which will then impact positively on their learning for the rest of the day. Facilities will also be available to use before and after school and for special occasions such as Christmas Dinner and Year 11 leavers meal.
Trustees agreed on the importance of social dining, offering that ‘family’ dining experience and the impact a positive lunch could have on the engagement in learning and therefore eventually on attainment.